Applications for 2025-26 are open NOW.
Please apply as instructed using subject “Travelling Professorship Application” to:
Deadline for applications is November 15th 2024.
Please apply as instructed using subject “Travelling Professorship Application” to:
Deadline for applications is November 15th 2024.
The Current Travelling Professor
The RCR-BSHNI Travelling Professorship was founded in 2018 by both organisations. It is open to any current RCR Fellow who is a full member of the BSHNI in good standing as per the constitution of the society.
The purpose of this award is to facilitate distinguished Consultant Head & Neck Radiologists from the UK to visit UK radiology training schemes and share their knowledge and passion for the speciality with others. There is no salary or financial award attached to the post. The award covers travel, accommodation and subsistence costs to facilitate 4 – 5 half day visits up to a maximum of £5,000. This can be claimed in line with the RCR travel and expenses policy.
The Travelling Professorship will be awarded to a single individual for a 2-year tenure. Award holders are given the title ‘The RCR-BSHNI Travelling Professor’ and should be referred to as such in all publicity.
All awards are made on the basis of single person visits, with no provision for partners or children, or additional travel. All insurance requirements are the responsibility of the travelling professor. The Department / School to be visited would be expected to provide space for the visiting lectures- the RCR will be liaising with the appropriate training schemes. The BSHNI logo should be included in all publicity where possible
Application Process &
Selection Procedure
300-word statement and recent CV must be forwarded to the society. Decisions are made by a panel of three, comprising current members of BSHNI Council. If multiple applicants are shortlisted, then candidates will be invited for an online interview at a mutually convenient time. Depending on the standard of application, BSHNI reserves the right to defer the appointment to the following year. Domains that will be scored on are:
Please apply using subject “Travelling Professorship Application” to:
Award holders must complete a report totalling no more than 500 words and understandable to a lay audience within six months of the end of the tenure of the award.
This will be distributed to the membership. In addition, the outgoing travelling professor must present an overview of their tenure at the BSHNI annual meeting following the end of their award.
The purpose of the award is threefold: